Talent Acquisition Associate & Executive Assistant
Damon Royster is a comedy writer who recently moved to Los Angeles by way of Chicago. As a young child, Damon found he had an appetite for comedy. Given this thirst for laughter, Damon went on to train, perform, and teach at a myriad of comedy institutions including The Second City, iO, the Annoyance, The Revival, and CIC theaters. He was a staff writer for the tabletop game Cards Against Humanity. In addition, Damon also wrote and starred in his award-winning web series AppQueen (2019 Outfest Film Festival web series finalist). He also created and co-wrote the parody play Love, Factually which was performed at the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C. in 2018 and 2019. His pilot Isaac was a quarter-finalist in the 2020 Austin Film Festival and semi-ed at Shore Script and Final Draft’s Big Finish contests. And he was a member of the 2020 Outfest screenwriting lab fellowship. Damon is so excited to be on the Satiated Artists team. And he is thrilled to be working with the fine people at ReThink Media.