Artist Testimonials
We think this is a pretty great place to work but hear what our Artful Admins have to say.

Satiated Artists changed my life. It opened my eyes to the possibility of balancing a job with my artistic career in a way I never could have imagined. My artistic background inspired creative choices and suggestions to help improve the business, and I have been able to put my graphic design and production stills to use in helping with branding, pitch decks, and website updates. I’m finding such a large amount of overlap in the arts and business world. You cannot beat the environment and opportunities that are provided by Satiated Artists, I’ve never come across anything like it! My life has been changed for the better across the board.
Jason Gorczyca
General Manager, Sidekick Solutions
Stand Up Comic
In 2020 Satiated Artists connected me with Sidekick Solutions LLC and I was hired as a project manager to relieve some administrative burden from the owner and founder. In stand-up comedy you have to read the room quickly and adapt as needed. This has been helpful in working within a dynamic software consulting firm serving various nonprofit and public sector agencies. I was eventually offered a full-time, salaried position with Sidekick Solutions LLC, and 4 years later am the General Manager of the company. In my time here we have contracted with Satiated Artists for two additional project manager roles. It has been one of the best career opportunities of my life and one that would not have happened without Satiated Artists connections and advocacy for artists!

Nina Jayashankar
Senior Grants & Partnerships Associate,
Rethink Media
Actor, Singer, Dancer
I had the privilege of working with clients whose causes I genuinely felt passionate about without feeling the anxieties of being unable to pursue my art or unable to balance it with my work. My current role at ReThink is a direct result of my work at Satiated Artists who positioned me to be in a role that exactly met my needs as an artist while still allowing me to support a cause I’m passionate about.
Aleksandra Weil
Director of HR and Operations, RooksDM
Composer and Writer
Satiated Artists is a game changer for young artists who need flexibility to do their art and make rent. A brilliant concept that clearly comes from an insider who knows how tough it is to be an artist and make ends meet. In addition to helping with bills, Satiated Artists helps you build practical skills that you can take with you for years to come.

Amanda Winston
Project Manager,
Tech Guys Who Get Marketing
I was frustrated with low-paying unfulfilling “day jobs” to support my work as an actor and performer. The ability to work from home with a very flexible schedule, reasonable pay, and an employer that supported my artist endeavors was super appealing. Working with Satiated Artists has opened doors for me I never expected. While gaining essential skills in the admin space, I’ve had the flexibility and freedom to audition and perform that a typical office or service job would rarely allow. My employers find my artistic career to be beneficial and something to celebrate, rather than an obstacle to my output as a worker.
Let’s get started
Apply to join our candidate pool for one (or all!) of our administrative positions here: